Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gearing up for my first race of the year

Crossing the finish line at my first race, April 2013

Spring will soon be here (oh man, I sure hope so because this winter has been brutal) because it is time to sign up for my favourite local race.  The race is in April, and it's my fave because it was the first one I ran, and it was on the first anniversary of my mom's passing - I ran it in memory of her.    I honestly thought I'd run the race and that would be it, well, I was warned by others that I would be hooked and I am!  I ran a few others last year, but I must say there is nothing like your first love - lol.  

So, today I signed my youngest daughter and myself up for the race.  It's official, we are going, and I plan on smashing my time from last year, so I had better get training!!

Speaking of training, I won a free month of online training from Kelly's Fit Lifestyle and after a full week, I have DOMS everywhere and I have lost over 6lbs :)  Yay!    She is pushing me to do exercises that are good for me, but if left to myself, I probably wouldn't do. After my first week check-in, she changed my macros and I am all set for another week.  I'll keep you all updated! 

Love lifting <3